How To Take Care Of A Newly Bought Bird

Are you confused about the best way to take care of a newly bought bird? We have got you covered in this post with essential tips on the best ways to care for your newly bought pet bird. It is not always about buying a pet bird; do you have what it takes to take care of your bird. Caring for your pet bird can seem like a tough task.

Birds are arguably more exotic than dogs and cats, but quite a few people know how to give them proper care. Although pet birds are different from more traditional pets like dogs and cats, the same basic rules apply for their care. The essential ingredients to take care of your bird are love, attention, good food, and knowledgeable healthcare.
The day you bring your pet bird home is the day things changes for both you and the bird. For you, your admiration and desire to have a bird has become real. On the other hand, for the new bird, it can be very scary and unsettling. It doesn't matter if you bought your bird from a pet shop. Your home is entirely new, and so are you to the bird. You will have to do all you can to ensure your bird is properly taken care of.
The trick in taking care of your bird is patience, consistency, and good knowledge. Getting your newly bought bird to settle comfortably while you establish a good relationship is a two-part process. You first have to ensure that your bird's new environment is satisfactory, and then you start working on the bird's attitude towards you.
                                          Tips On How To Care For A Newly Bought Bird
• Setting up the cage for your bird
The cage is the castle of your bird and needs to be in good shape to comfort the new bird. A cage protects your birds and also shields your belongings from the birds. If a parrot is capable of reducing prize antiques to a toothpick with its great beaks, your bird is capable of reducing prize antiques. You should select a position where your bird will be adjacent to family activities but not at its center.
The bird will feel more comfortable having its cage against a wall. In such a position, the bird can watch things going on without worrying about anyone sneaking up on its backside. It would be best if you placed the cage where the bird won't be surprised. The cage should be away from large furniture that may obstruct the bird's view or the comings and goings of family and friends. Generally, birds don't like to be startled any more than we do.
The cage should be rectangular with enough depth for two birds to extend their wings fully. You need to always supervise your bird outside its cage to get enough exercise. Without enough exercise, your bird can become overweight and depressed.
• Good nutrition
The health of your bird greatly depends on a balanced diet. The most common problems seen by veterinarians include obesity, egg binding, and vitamin A deficiency. Many bird owners feed their birds with seed as their sole diet. Although birds love these seeds but dried, packaged seeds are low in Vitamins, especially vitamin A.
To provide your bird with a balanced diet, you need to offer many other foods daily. Green vegetables are very important and essential for the health of your bird. Some examples of vegetables include spinach, silverbeet, endives, parsley, and celery. You can also feed your newly bought bird with fresh grasses, milk thistle, dandelion, and fresh fruits. Good and quality bird pellets can be used in place of seeds.
• Comfortable environment
You need to ensure your bird is rightly settled in once you get home with the bird. Most birds enjoy baths and showers, more so even with their owners. However, you should avoid using soaps when you are with your bird in the shower. You can also provide birdbaths, but it is best not to leave the bird in a cage.
Your bird needs a full spectrum of light. It is not enough to only expose your bird to sunlight through the window because vitamin D is absorbed from natural sunlight. Your bird needs to have a minimum of 10-12 hours of total darkness each night. If your bird is housed in a place used at night, then a blanket cover is recommended. For most bird species, the period of darkness may be varied to mimic natural seasons.
• Careful if you are a tobacco smoker.
Smoking is extremely harmful to birds. The lungs and air sacs are extremely efficient breathing system. You can also irritate your bird's skin with smoke, and it is considered one of the major reasons for self-mutilation. Don't assume that if you smoke on the other side of the room, it is safe for your bird. On the contrary, it is not true. Nicotine on cigarettes is extremely toxic to birds if ingested. If you are a smoker, you need to be very careful and keep cigarettes away from your bird and dispose of butts efficiently.
• Good perches
Poorly constructed perches commonly lead to sores on the feet of birds. The perches should be made of natural wood branches of varying sizes and not doweling or plastic. In times past, people made use of sandpaper to shorten their bird's nails, but they ended up causing their bird's sore feet.
• Rightly place the food and water bowls.
You must ensure that the food and water bowls for your bird are located in a place where the bird cannot defecate. You shouldn't place any material on the ground that encourages your bird to feed off the floor. You should also avoid using metal toys or plastic coated bag ties to lead to metal poisoning.
• You may consider getting a bonding friend for your bird.
It is rare for birds to be happy while existing alone in your house. Most of the diseases that affect pet birds are related to stress, frustration, and boredom. You may be able to substitute with television or radio, but they are not long-term substitutes for a company.

If you have any contributions or questions regarding how to care for a newly bought bird, kindly share them in the comment section provided below.


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